Epoxy Classes Near Me

(631) 305-1038

Your jobs will look beautiful and LAST a long time.

Epoxy Classes Near Me

Transform Your Skills in 3 Days with Hands-On Epoxy Training in Johnstown, New York

Are you searching for epoxy classes near me? Look no further! Our comprehensive 3-day epoxy training course in Johnstown, New York, is the perfect opportunity to master the art of epoxy resin applications. Whether you’re a beginner or someone looking to refine your skills, this weekend course offers hands-on experience that will empower you to take your epoxy projects to the next level.

Why Choose Our Epoxy Classes in Johnstown, New York?

At our epoxy training, we provide a unique learning environment where you can immerse yourself in the world of epoxy. Here’s why our classes stand out:

  • Hands-On Training: We believe that the best way to learn epoxy techniques is by doing. Our classes are designed to give you plenty of hands-on experience, ensuring that you understand every step of the process.
  • Experienced Instructors: Our instructors are epoxy professionals with years of experience in epoxy applications. Luke has his master’s in teaching, so he doesn’t just know what to do, he knows how to teach you! 
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Over the course of three days, you’ll cover everything from the basics of epoxy floor prep to installing for different environments. By the end of the class, you’ll have the confidence to tackle any epoxy project whether residential or industrial.
  • Small Class Sizes: To ensure that each participant receives personalized attention, we keep our class sizes small. This allows for more one-on-one instruction and a more engaging learning experience.

What You Will Learn in Our 3-Day Epoxy Training

Our epoxy classes in Johnstown, NY, cover a wide range of topics to give you a thorough understanding of epoxy resin. Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll learn:

Day 1: Introduction to Epoxy

Understanding Epoxy Resins: Learn about the different types of epoxy resins and their applications.
Safety First: Proper safety precautions when working with epoxy, including protective gear and ventilation, avoid OSHA at all costs.
Surface Preparation: How to prepare various surfaces for epoxy application, while using a mechanical grinder and hands-on practice. Learn which types of vacuums to use and how to use them. We teach you how to fill any holes, expansion joints, and cracks prior to application.
Mixing Techniques: Master the art of mixing epoxy resin and hardener to ensure a perfect bond every time.

Day 2: Hands-On Application

Epoxy Basecoats: Learn how to apply epoxy base-coats with hands-on squeegee, backrolling, and cross rolling steps.
Flake and Quartz broadcasting: Learn the proper way to broadcast flake and quartz over your base coat, and how much coverage you get per square foot. Practice the best techniques to feel confident and ensure you don’t waste materials.
Topcoats: Experiment with different topcoats and learn which ones are best for the application you are doing.
Problem-Solving: Troubleshoot common epoxy issues such as bubbles, curing problems, and uneven surfaces.

Day 3: Metallics & Marketing

Finishing Touches: Sanding, buffing, and protecting your epoxy floors for a professional finish.
Layering Techniques: Understand the benefits of layering epoxy for depth and dimension in your projects. Learn which metallic pigments go best with the different basecoats, how to use the squeegee to spread the materials, and how thick to apply it to achieve that glass-like look.
Marketing: A final session to address marketing tips and tricks, and a full scope of services we can offer to help you with your logo, branding, and web design to get and close leads!

Who Should Attend Our Epoxy Classes?

Our epoxy training is ideal for:

  • Looking to leave your job: If you are wanting a side business that can develop into a small or even big business with epoxy coatings installations, be sure to take this class! We have seen hundreds of people succeed because of epoxy.
  • Painters: Expand your services by offering epoxy floors; most homeowners will want nice walls AND nice floors! Capitalize on this high-demand service and triple your revenue.
  • Artists and Crafters: Explore the creative possibilities of epoxy flooring in art and crafting.
  • Contractors and Builders: Gain valuable knowledge that can help you offer epoxy services to your clients.
  • Other Flooring Installers: Expand what you can offer by adding epoxy coatings to your repertoire, don’t feel like you have to turn down any work. Epoxy has an insane profit margin, so it’s best to learn how to do it and do it well.